Southern Border Security Perimeter

Quantum Logistics LLC is a Veteran and Minority owned business located in a HUB Zone.  Quantum Logistics LLC answers the call of its Commander in Chief regardless of political views and opinions. Our purpose is to secure our country, protect our community, and stimulate economic development from within the community where the Southern Border Security Perimeter will have the most impact.

Quantum Logistics has implemented several Operational-Tactical Infrastructure projects for large US Government controlled geographical areas which are currently in place in war zones and are designed to thwart unlawful and unauthorized entries, VBIEDs, terrorist attacks, and mortar and rocket fire.

Companies interested in retaining Quantum Logistics’ Services as a joint venture for this project are welcome to complete the contact form or dial the toll free number.

Our expertise focuses on tactical security and infrastructure, protection, and specialized construction projects and intelligence collection required for protecting borders, people, and government facilities.

Our Southern Border Security Perimeter concept requires less concrete, is lighter, and less expensive than current proposals all the while standing several times stronger than the competition.

Quantum Logistics’ Southern Border Security Perimeter is designed with the understanding that it must sever the exploits or criminal elements as well as the cash flow those criminal elements depend on from an exploited Southern border. It is designed with the idea that it must to be prepared to withstand the attack of the very wealthy and powerful criminal organizations it is going to impact.

The Southern Security Perimeter is designed and constructed in a manner which compartmentalizes any damage caused by man-made, terrorist, or natural disasters, facilitating economical ease of repair and stop gap of any possible security breaches resulting.

This Southern Border Security Perimeter project is the next step in the innovative evolution of border protection, and, the securing of our Homeland.

Should Quantum Logistics LLC be awarded a Task Order, any companies interested in retaining Quantum’s services for joint venture does so with the understanding that Quantum Logistics’ plans to stimulate economic development in the communities in which the Southern Border Security Perimeter will be constructed and involves the establishment of employment centers designed for the recruitment of staff personnel to be used in the construction of the Southern Security Perimeter.

Concrete Southern Border Security Perimeter

Non-Concrete Southern Security Perimeter