Evasive & Off-Road Driving
The ability to utilize drive-able terrain off normal paved roads or tracks where which current driving schools use is vital to a team’s ability to escape a threat or avoid a serious accident with its client. Students will be trained on how to employ a sedan or SUV style vehicle in an off road environment as well as high speed driving and maneuver instruction to increase a team’s chance of evasion and survival in a threatening situation. This ability to drive tactically, and evasively, enables the operators to escape a harmful situation safely and quickly, while, outmaneuvering any threats who may be giving chase to the protective team or using their vehicle as a weapon against them.
Students will receive multiple facets of training from how to react to an ambush, to the proper execution of “PIT” maneuvers. The ability to neutralize an enemy’s vehicle who is using their vehicle as a weapon against a protective detail and its client, with a “pit” maneuver, will not only ensure the security of the client but prevent a threat from using that vehicle as a weapon against the client again.